Examining the Financial Performance of Shariah Compliant Investments versus Non-Compliant Investments

Examining the Financial Performance of Shariah Compliant Investments versus Non-Compliant Investments


Picture this scenario: a group of investors is seated in a room, eagerly awaiting the presentation of their financial advisor. Brows furrowed, they question whether following Islamic principles in their investments will hinder their financial growth. Today, we delve into the fascinating world of Shariah compliant investments and compare their financial performance against non-compliant investments.

Key Points:

1. Shariah Compliant Investments: Understanding the Basics

• Shariah compliant investments adhere to Islamic law principles, known as Shariah, which prohibit investments in forbidden (haram) activities such as alcohol, gambling, tobacco, and interest-based financial services.

• Instead, Shariah compliant investments focus on ethical sectors such as healthcare, technology, renewable energy, and halal food industries.

2. The Global Rise of Shariah Compliant Investments

• According to an estimate by Thomson Reuters, the global Islamic finance market is expected to reach $3.2 trillion by 2024, indicating a growing demand for Shariah compliant investments.

• Notably, Islamic countries and regions like the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa contribute significantly to this rise.

3. Performance Analysis: Shariah Compliant Investments

• Numerous studies indicate that Shariah compliant funds have shown competitive returns compared to their conventional counterparts over the long term.

• Shariah compliant investments, often subjected to rigorous ethical screenings, prioritize sustainability, leading to better management practices and reducing exposure to risk.

4. Examining Key Factors Affecting Performance

a. Diversification: Shariah compliant investments often promote diversification, which mitigates risks and helps protect portfolios during market downturns.

b. Socially Responsible Investing (SRI): The ethical screening process in Shariah compliant investments aligns them with sustainable and responsible investing, creating long-term value for investors.

c. Resilient during Economic Challenges: Shariah-compliant investments, being less prone to speculative investments and excessive leverage, have often displayed a degree of resilience during economic downturns or financial crises.

5. Considerations for Investors:

• Screening Process: Understanding the criteria used by Shariah boards to screen investments is essential for investors interested in Shariah compliant investments.

• Expert Guidance: Consulting with financial advisors who specialize in Shariah compliant investments can provide valuable insights, ensuring investment decisions align with both financial goals and ethical values.

• Diverse Portfolio: Combining Shariah compliant and non-compliant investments can create a diversified portfolio that maximizes potential returns while adhering to personal beliefs.


While there was once skepticism surrounding the financial performance of Shariah compliant investments, extensive analysis demonstrates their competitive returns over time. The combination of ethical considerations, resilient sectors, and meticulous screening processes contribute to the financial success of these investments. As investors navigate the path to a more sustainable future, investigating Shariah compliant investments may not only provide financial growth but also a sense of alignment with personal values.

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